As summer winds down, I like to take some time to reflect. September has always been a time for a fresh start for me. It is time to preserve food, freshen up our routines, clean out closets and get out fall clothes ready. I can walk more in the cooler weather; I can enjoy cooler evenings by a fire under the lights. Having a glass of wine and a good book on the patio is where you will find me.
I was down for over a year with back pain. When I finally had surgery, it was a miracle. No more pain!! Now that I have had time to heal and reflect, I am back and stronger than ever. This experience has taught me some really incredible things. The first is that I am loved by so many people! I had the experience of feeling, really feeling, love, positivity and prayers form so many. Peace. It was an overwhelming feeling of Peace. Thank you to all who thought of me.
It has also taught me how resilient I am. I started to walk just hours after surgery, and within 2 weeks I was back to walking a mile at a time. Previously I couldn't walk to my mailbox. I watched the resiliency of my garden. Though I wasn't able to do anything in the space, I saw how it comes back year after year with such beauty it takes my breath away. More and more I look to plants for wisdom in everyday life.
It also reinforced how much I love what I do. Having to step back for a few weeks proved that. In that time, I made some new connections. First, I worked with The Market by atls and I will be working with them again at The Promenades for the Holidays. Next, I will be selling my products at Belleville Market in on 3rd Street in Easton.
We also have hit show season. Look for Hippie Momma at Monocacy farm, Vegstock, St Francis Craft Fair and others in the coming months. I also will be having my show in my home shop on Small Business Saturday in November. It is a great way to get your Holiday shopping started. You never know what I will have on sale! Check back for more info.

Lastly, I re-learned about self-care. I am the one that knows what I need to do for myself. It starts with water, rest, good food and goes from there. That is why I have created my face care line. It only takes 2-3 minutes in the morning and at night. And yes, you will get results! I use the same ingredients that the "big" companies use and usually in the same concentrations. I am talking about; glycolic acid to exfoliate dead skin cells, hyaluronic acid for moisture retention, niacinamide to brighten skin and lighten dark spots, and Bakuchiol oil as a retinol alternative to reduce wrinkles. And I make it without stuff that you don't need! I also am able to price it so that it is affordable to all.
Looking forward, you can expect to see some new products, new spaces and lots of the wonderful products that you love!
Much love and Peace, Sarah